Sunday, August 7, 2011

Do it Yourself: Diaper Cake

I haven't had a chance to write about our summer. Garrett and I get two glorious months off during the summer, and we try our darndest not to take it for granted. It is such a HUGE blessings. Uh-mazing.
Maybe, if I can muck up the motivation, I'll write a post about the highlights of our summer. Two months is just a lot. I'll think about it. :)

But one of the weeks this summer we spent at Rachel and Jason's, the Roanoke Suhrs, enjoying their company and playing with our nieces and nephews. I also got the privilege of doing a project for a baby shower Rachel was throwing for one of her friends.

I've been to a fair share of baby showers, and seen diaper cakes there before. Never did I think I'd end up making one. It was actually very easy, totally repeatable, and pretty cute!

#1 Grab a pack of diapers! I used a pack with 50 diapers and it made a medium sized diaper cake. 

#2 Roll each of the diapers and put a small, clear rubber band around each one to hold it in place. 

#3 Use a paper towel roll to begin building your base. Use more diapers on the bottom, and pyramid your way up. Do one layer around the paper towel roll and hold them together with a large rubber band, or multiple rubber bands tied together. 

#4 Do a second layer of diapers on the bottom. You'll have to figure out how many diapers you want for each layer. I don't remember my exact counts, but with 50 diapers it was something like 28 on the bottom, 14 in the middle, and 8 on top. Notice we tied rubber bands together to make a larger one. The middle level was just one layer around, and the top level, I actually scrunched the paper towel roll together so the top level would be smaller than the one below it. 

#5 Use the colors from the baby shower theme to pick your ribbon and accessories. We used a hot glue gun to glue the two ribbons together, and then we used a small pink paper clip to attach the ends at the back of the cake onto the rubber band underneath. Do this for each layer. *Note: It helped to have a second pair of hands when it came to using the glue gun. Rachel ran the gun down the center of the pink ribbon and I followed right behind, lining up the green ribbon with the glue. 

#6 Gerber daisies were my accessory. I cut one off at the head of the flower, and then cut the others so that when I stood them up in the paper towel roll, they were just peeking up over the top of the cake. I used a cardboard box and cut a stand out, and then wrapped it in corresponding wrapping paper. 

Very easy to do, and with pretty results! If anybody tries this out for a baby shower, I'd love to see the colors you pick and your accessories. For a boy, I think you could do any type of little toy alongside it, or spell out their name, or just use the first letter. Lots of options! :)

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