Monday, May 16, 2011

California Pet Peeve #1- Shopping Carts

I wish little stuff like this didn't bother me. 
I wish it didn't. 

But ooooooh, does it ever. 

Shopping carts.
Everywhere, except in their little designated shopping cart holders. 

I swear, this only happens in California. 
Dear Californians, 
Did you know that in every other part of the country, people put away their shopping carts??
Guess what would happen if you tried it? 
1. There would be MORE parking spots to actually park in! Fascinating! 
2. There would be less carts rolling around free nilly all the time (Yes, I just said free nilly)
3. There would be less dents in cars. Garrett and I have stopped two rapidly moving 
carts from crashing into vehicles. You're welcome.

Maraya's pretty disgusted, too! 

Come on people!
Put your carts away! 


Unknown said...


Valerie said...

Too funny! Not really, but really. :) I can't believe that people can't walk a couple feet to put a cart away.

Beth Simmons said...

Hey there! I just discovered that you have a blog! So fun! I had to comment on this post. When Steve was in FL for a year for flight school, this very thing was my pet peeve! It's horrible! In the part of FL we were in, they didn't even have the cart return spaces anymore. I guess they figured, what's the use because NO ONE used them!
I'm glad I found your blog and it was great to see you this morning!