Wednesday, June 2, 2010

I need to post....

It's been forever. The same pictures of baking cookies have been staring at me, taunting me, telling me I need to post again.

It's been almost 3 months.


So here's a quick post.

What's been going on?
  • I went on a pre-vacation vacation with GS1 (Gretchen). We flew the coup and headed to gorgeous Mexico for a week. We slathered on sunscreen, ate to our hearts content, read fictional stories, met some wonderful people, went snorkeling, got burnt, saw cultural dances from each of the states of Mexico, took a taxi ride (my first!), swam in the ocean, saw the Gulf Coast oil spill from the plane (sad face), went on 7 airplanes in 9 days, chatted about life and its ups and downs, haggled for souvenirs (she's got a much more convincing poker face than I do), played beach volleyball, lost a life jacket while kayaking, and just had an all around great time. Here's to 9 years of friendship, and many more to come!
  • We're losing an entire Biola class, one that we've grown to love and will seriously miss. 
  • That class that we're losing GRADUATED so we're also happy for them. We're happy for them. We're happy for them. We're happy for them. I have to keep repeating it so I don't selfishly fall back into the "I don't want them to leave" phrases. It was so fun standing and cheering for so many incredible students at graduation. We were awfully proud "parents".
  • The students have since moved off campus. It's eerily quiet.
  • We are babysitting. Four turtles and a handful of fish. Two tanks. 
  •  Our humble apartment home is about to be vacated by GS2 (Garrett) & I, and then inhabited by two of our RA's. We've given them strict instructions to be nice to our non-stick pots and pans. :) 
  •  G & I are finishing up work this Friday and then off for a 2 month vacation together and with our families. We're totally looking forward to the break, and the time together to be refreshed, learn more about each other, and see more of the country. Our vacation looks like this: June 8-June 21-Time in Roanoke with the Suhrs! Hanging out with Garrett's parents, as well as Jason and Rachel and the four kiddos. It's gonna be awesome to get some quality non-stop time with them. Garrett is so relaxed when he's at home, so I'm glad we're getting to do this first. We're planning on hiking a good bit of the mountains around Roanoke, so we're excited about that. We'll celebrate Father's Day with them, then we're heading up to Harrisonburg to hang out with my family and celebrate with them as well. We'll spend a couple of days in Harrisonburg, head up to Pennsylvania to see some friends we haven't seen in over 2 years (crazy!), head back to Harrisonburg for a night, then head down to Alabama for the annual beach week at the Gulf. It will be a little different this year with the oil spill and all. I'm anxious to see it firsthand and see how it's affecting everyone in that area. But we get to be with family, and that's the purpose of the trip. We'll be there for a week with my extended family, and then we'll head back home and spend a couple of days in Harrisonburg again before flying straight from there to Alaska! This is one of Garrett's dreams, and I'm excited to be going with him as he gets to see this part of the country for the first time. We're going to be doing some hiking and sightseeing, as well as just enjoying the views and wildlife (I'm hoping to finally see a Moose!). We'll spend about 2 weeks there, and then head back to LA. We'll have a couple of days before we start back up again for another year here. It's crazy that we're going on our third year in California. Time really truly flies. 

I'm missing my family more and more. It's hard being so far away. I'm looking forward to the time with them, but wish I got to experience the more day-to-day stuff.

I also get to see BELLA! She's 4 now and it's oh-so-hard hearing about all the wacky stuff she does and not being around her.

Anyways. There's an update. Life is crazy, but it's definitely good. Garrett and I are having a blast and really enjoying each other's company. This marriage thing can be hard at times, but it's so fun to be able to say "I'm looking forward to how much more we're going to grow together as a team this NEXT year!" It's truly a one-of-a-kind relationship.

1 comment:

Tiffany said...

I love you, Beth :)
Hope you're having a great time in Virginia! Tell all the family "hi" for us!