Thursday, August 23, 2007

i'm a boy...

I don't know who reads this stupid blog. I'm not posting this article to say, "Look at how you boys take our emotionally unstable hearts and tear them to pieces!" It's quite the opposite, actually. I was reading this article and the whole time I couldn't help but think...I'm the boy in this. Somehow, through life's fun twists and turns (sarcasm?) I have somehow, I believe, become emotionally detached in relationships. Sometimes I think I forget to pay attention to the fact that they may be getting attached while I am not. What in the world is wrong with me?!?

Here's the article. Note: Wherever it says "boy" or "man"...just substitute in the word "Beth".

Not Your Buddy- by Suzanne Hadley

...aaaaaand.....apparently I need to read this book....


My pastor told me that the reason I have a hard time committing is because I haven't found the person that I wanted to commit to yet. I guess that could be the case.

I read a post on a friend's blog one time that said something like this, "Couldn't the fear of commitment be a good thing?" He went on to talk about how the fear of commitment gets a bad rap all the time, but maybe it's actually beneficial because it keeps people from committing to relationships that may not be right for them.

Something to think about.

that's where i come from...

"Tough girls come from New York. Sweet girls come from Georgia. But us Virginia girls, we have fire and ice in our blood. We can ride horses, be a debutante, throw left hooks and play poker with the boys, all while making sweet tea, darlin'. And if we have an opinion, you know you're going to hear it."
~ Ashley Judd

I stole this from a friend's page and changed a couple of the words to fit a little better...but i like it. :)