Since we've been married, Garrett and I have started keeping track of all the states that we've been in together. I don't remember the number exactly, but it's somewhere up in the 20's. Well we just added two more to the list with Oregon and Washington! Being from the east coast, these states have always seemed so far away. It's cool to actually see them for myself! Our first stop, Tuesday, was Harris Beach State Park. We ended up camping there for two days. We had a great big campsite and we could see the ocean through the trees and hear it crashing below us. We did some biking around as well as walking on the beach and reading. We just started a new book by Andrew Peterson, who happens to be one of my favorite christian music artists. I was at a concert of his a couple of months ago and found out that he also writes books. Throughout his concert, Andrew's hilarious sense of humor comes out in both his lyrics and his personal stories. So naturally, I thought his books would be great. We're a little ways into it and I think we could recommend the series. We're really enjoying it!
Anyways, we're only a couple weeks into the summer trip. It seems crazy that we won't be home for another month and a half. We're enjoying ourselves so far, though, and we've got many new states to visit!
Thank you for a dry spot in a rainy forest, for a fireplace warm and providing, for some snow to serve as our ice chest, and a quiet evening for a good night's read.
You served us well for our stay this time, though short this stay, next time will be long.